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Steering Committee of Youth Parliament Pakistan


An independent Steering Committee of Youth Parliament including MPs, former Speakers, representative of Ministry of Youth Affairs and PILDAT was formed to oversee the selection process and the effective functioning of the Youth Parliament. Some of the Basic functions:

  1. Review and finalization of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business for the Youth Parliament Pakistan.

  2. Interviews and Final Selection of Members of Youth Parliament.

  3. Reviewing Agenda of the Youth Parliament Sessions.

  4. Reviewing progress of operation of the Youth Parliament project.


Following are the Members of the Steering Committee:

      Name Position  
S. M. Zafar, Senator
Chairman Senate Functional Committee on Human Rights
Wazir Ahmed Jogezai, Mr.
Former Deputy Speaker, National Assembly of Pakistan 
Donya Aziz, Dr., MNA
Parliamentary Secretary for Population Welfare


Rai Azizullah Khan, MNA
Chairman National Assembly Standing Committee on Sports
Sarah Parvez, Ms.
British High Commission, Islamabad


Abdul Qadir, Mr.
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Islamabad


Ahmed Bilal Mehboob, Mr.
Executive Director, PILDAT



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