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  Visits, Meetings and Events  

As part of political and leadership grooming special events and visits focusing on enhancing youth’s leadership development and understanding of crucial policy issues are arranged for the Members of Youth Parliament or MYPs during the plenary sessions.


In line with this spirit the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shaukat Aziz at the fifth session in September 2007 hosted the MYPs at Prime Minister House where he engaged in an interactive discussion with the Pakistani youth on issues related to youth and youth’s involvement in the democratic process in the country. The occasion was an inspiring experience and impacted on the leadership grooming of the MYPS as well as playing a positive role to strengthen democracy in the country.




At the fifth session in September the members of Youth Parliament met with the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry at the Supreme Court of Pakistan. The Chief Justice addressed the members on the rule of law and the role of the Judiciary in Pakistan and engaged with them in a fervent interactive dialogue on issues related to the supremacy of the judiciary and its role as an independent institution to uphold the norms of democracy. The members also visitied the library at the premises of the Supreme Court and the court rooms and met with the registrar of the supreme Court as well as other key officials.




The MYPs also attended a reception hosted in their honour by H.E. Mr. Robert Brinkley, the British High Commissioner to Pakistan at his residence on the first day of the fifth session. Speaking on the occasion the British High Commissioner praised the youth for their passion and activisim shown during the plenary sessions ovdr the year. He was pleased to know that the future of Pakistan will be in the hands of people who uphold democratic values and tradtions. He supported the idea of sharing of these goals to promote understanding of each other’s cultures and values.


Members of the Steering Committee on Law, Parliamentary Affairs and Human Rights at the fifth session in September met with the Federal Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination, Mr. Salim Saifullah Khan and presented the proposals prepared by the Youth Parliament on issues related to Provincial Autonomy in Pakistan to be taken into consideration as part of the package of reforms being prepared by the government on Federalism and Provincial Autonomy.


Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Foreign and Kashmir Affairs hosted a lunch in honour of the MYPs at Parliament House, Islamabad at session two where he addressed the youth on leadership development and their role in building a better future for Pakistan.


Dr. Donya Aziz, Member of the National Assembly, member Youth Parliament Steering Committee and Advisor to Blue Party hosted the MYPs at a reception at her residence at the first session in January.



At the first and second sessions the MYPs also visited the Parliament House and observed the proceedings of the Senate and the National Assembly of Pakistan gaining first hand experience of life in the parliamentary spotlight. They also engaged with key staff of the secretariat of the Senate and National Assembly to share information related to the workings of the Parliament.


Copyright Youth Parliament @ 2008