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  The Selection Process  

The process of selection of participants for the Youth Parliament has been multi-tiered and involved the following steps:

  1. Placing of Advertisement in nationwide editions of two of the largest circulating English and Urdu daily newspapers of the country  
  2. Submission of Expression of Interest by interested candidates  
  3. Internal review of Expressions of Interest and short-listing for Interviews  
  4. Calls for Interviews to short-listed candidates  
  5. Selection Interviews by Youth Parliament Steering Committee  
  6. Selection Calls and Invitations for becoming Members of Youth Parliament  
  Selection Criteria  
  Following criteria for selection has been adopted:  
  1. Interested candidates should be citizens of Pakistan  
  2. Age of interested candidates should not be less than 18 years and more than 29 years on October 01, 2006  
  3. Interested candidates should be able to read and write Urdu  
  4. There should be no criminal record against interested candidates in Pakistan or abroad  

Efforts have been made to ensure that all provinces and territories of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir are represented in the finally selected members including adequate representation to women and persons belonging to religious minorities.

Additionally, the Expression of Interest Form sought to gauge the following from the candidates' responses:

  >> Commitment to politics and democracy  
  >> Understanding of issues  
  >> Previous activist involvement  
  >> Communication skills  

Copyright Youth Parliament @ 2008