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Youth Parliament Pakistan 2007 Calendar

  Parliamentary  Sessions Dates/Location Topics of Debate  
  Inaugural Session Thursday January 25, 2007

Address by Chairman Senate of Pakistan, honourable Senator Mohammadmian Soomro  
  Session One Thursday January 25 – Sunday January 28, 2007

The State of Youth in Pakistan and the Role which the Youth Parliament should play  

The poor and unsatisfactory state of entertainment and recreation facilities for the Youth in Pakistan
  Session Two Thursday March 01 – Monday March 05, 2007

Youth Policy of Pakistan to offer proposals to further improve it  
Federalism and Provincial Autonomy to offer proposals to address the current challenges to Federalism and demands for increased quantum of Provincial Autonomy and contribute to the resolution of these issues
  Session Three Wednesday May 09 – Sunday May 13, 2007

State of Education in Pakistan and the New Education Policy  
State of Democracy in Pakistan and the Way Forward
  Session Four
(Special Session)
Thursday July 26, 2007

Law and Order Situation in Pakistan  
  Session Five Wednesday September 05 -Sunday September 09, 2007

Key Issues and Challenges Defining Pakistan’s Foreign PolicY  
Budget and Budget Process in Pakistan
Challenges to Free and Fair Elections in Pakistan
Hazards of Tobacco Use and Steps required to fight the Menace
  Session Six Wednesday December 05 -Sunday December 09, 2007

Developing and adopting a Youth Manifesto 2007-2008  
Vision for Pakistan
Challenges to Eradicating Bonded Labour in Pakistan

Copyright Youth Parliament @ 2008